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Internship Presentations for Mathematics and Computer Science Students at ENS

On Monday, November 4th, the ENS Foundation and the Career Services of the École Normale Supérieure organized a meeting with around thirty Mathematics and Computer Science students, and the Foundation’s partner companies. The purpose of the meeting was to present internship opportunities to ENS students.

CFM, Squarepoint, and Citadel—three companies in the finance sector—outlined the various projects they will offer to interns. These projects focus on research, predictive modeling, and Large Language Models (LLMs). The internships will allow students to apply their computational skills as well as their expertise in computer tools, particularly in artificial intelligence.

The presentations were followed by an informal exchange between students and speakers. This provided a valuable opportunity for students to expand their network and support their career integration and professional development.

CFM, Squarepoint, and Citadel are among the companies that support the Math, Computer Science, and AI scholarship programs, as well as the Women in sciences scholarships, which were established by the Foundation and the École in recent years. These scholarships aim to promote gender parity in the sciences and attract strong student profiles to the École.