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AI Summit: ENS to Host the AI and Society Segment

On February 10 and 11, 2025, Paris will host the Summit for Action on Artificial Intelligence, led by Anne Bouverot, Chair of the Board of Directors of ENS-PSL. Bringing together AI experts, heads of state, leaders of pioneering companies in the field, and NGOs advocating

Retrospective 2024: A Year of Impact for our School

In 2024, donors were even more generous than in the previous year, allowing the École normale supérieure to expand its scholarship programs to more students, initiate research chairs on Space and climate change, and restore historical furniture and works in the library. On the research

AI and Information: ENS Welcomes Prabhakar Raghavan from Google

On Wednesday, November 6, the École normale supérieure had the honor of hosting Prabhakar Raghavan, Chief Technologist at Google, for an exceptional lecture on Artificial Intelligence as applied to information and search engines. The lecture was followed by a discussion with Isabelle Ryl, Vice President

Scholarship holders and donors meet during social evening

On October 10th 2024, ENS Foundation director Caroline Guény-Mentré and Frédéric Worms, director of the École normale supérieure, welcomed scholarship holders who have joined the school for the start of the 2024/2025 academic year, as well as donors, for a social evening in the Salon