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Podcasts, videos and books to explore the world from home

The Savoirs.ENS website provides access to over 5,000 teaching resources, recordings of courses, seminars, conferences, colloquia and cultural seminars in the sciences and humanities departments, as well as special events at ENS.

A platform for the dissemination of ENS knowledge, open to all, launched in 2001, a pioneer in this field in France, and reviewed in 2011, has given way to the Savoirs site. In view of the rapid pace of technological changes and the evolution of digital uses, the site is now necessarily lagging behind in functional, ergonomic and technical terms, and needs to be upgraded to meet international standards.

ENS is determined to invest in the technological revolution and create a website that will enable researchers and research professors to disseminate knowledge widely through high-quality content that works to act against the proliferation of Fake News.

It’s a collegial project involving all of ENS’s departments and libraries, with a high-level editorial committee. Content can be offered in short-form content (15 minutes) or long-form with translation thanks to new artificial intelligence tools.


  • To offer a platform that reflects the excellence of ENS research and training, and that can easily adapt to technological developments.
  • To strengthen the transmission of knowledge.


4 M€ over 5 years, co-financed through public and private resources via sponsorship, to promote ENS’s audiovisual heritage and the knowledge it produces and preserves.

Support for students
Research and innovation