This research chair, launched in 2024, is focused on carbon storage in soils and sub-soils, a technique also known as Carbon Capture. Funded by Ardian, a global leader in private investment, this initiative is part of a six-year partnership during which Ardian will support innovative research led by the Geology lab, part of the Geosciences department at ENS-PSL. The main objective of the chair’s team is to better understand the mecanisms of carbon storage in soils and sub-soils, a critical issue in facing global warming. At a time where solutions are actively sought to mitigate the effect of global warming, their chair will study the potential impacts of injecting CO2 into the grounds. This chair is directed by Jérôme Fortin, research director for CNRS at the ENS’ Geology lab.
Space Chair
This chair is placed under the scientific direction of Stéphanie Ruphy, philosopher of science. The Space chair, by approaching space through the prism of the human and social sciences, is fully in line with the transdisciplinary and innovative approach to research at the ENS. Its areas of research are: the uses and representations of Space through the ages, Space as a common good and an issue of sovereignty and the sustainable uses of space.
It aspires to open up still unexplored fields of knowledge, by exploring perspectives in economics, history, geopolitics, political science, philosophy, law, cybersecurity, geosciences and climate and environmental sciences, sciences of the Universe. Stéphanie Ruphy, whose academic and intellectual career, emblematic of the ENS, fuses astrophysics and philosophy of science, embodies the transdisciplinarity which will be at the heart of the research of the Space chair, which will radiate across a very wide field of disciplines.
Inaugurated on February 1, 2024, this chair is possible thanks to patrons: GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales), Airbus, Air Liquide, ArianeGroup, CNES, Eutelsat Group, Safran, Sodern and Thales Alenia Space.
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